Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Chargers Game

I have never considered myself much of a professional Football fan, I don't have a team but I still enjoy watching it with the homies.....that is until I went to my first Chargers game.  I finally have an alliance I can stick with and an official team to go by.  The tailgate before the game was nuts, Chargers fans know how to party.  So many people were having a blast as well as us, playing cornhole and chugging beers while eating food.  It was a bitchin time.  I even got to watch Luke eat a full tomato from a bet we made months ago....Dodgers swept the Padres and the main bet was to eat a whole tomato like an apple (we both hate them).  It was hilarious and I dont think I could have done it if I had lost.  

Chris & Wess didn't have to work the following day and I did, so when they met a group of girls during the game and decided to hit a bar when we left....I knew it was going to be a long night.  We got home at 4:30AM and I was at my desk at 7:00.  I have no idea how I made it through the day.  

Pre game
Let that shit begin!
that's fucking disgusting

...and he finished it!

lights out

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