Sunday, January 8, 2012



I was driving to work on my normal commute last Friday and a huge shooting star streaked across the sky while I was on the 605 northbound.  It was pretty cool, for sure woke me up and I had to make a wish.  Not too crazy....this could happen quite often.  I go to work and proceed with my normal routine, play words with friends, check up on emails, maybe do a little actual work, etc (haha, just kidding).  I head to the cafeteria as a part of my daily ritual about 9:30 or so and have to walk outside the building to get to the main hospital.  I'm in line with my usual pineapple, toast and hard boiled egg and notice something crawling on me.  It's the BIGGEST ladybug I've seen in awhile and as soon as I looked down on it, it flew away.  The lady in the cafeteria gave me a look as if I brought him in and released him on purpose....hopefully he didnt fly into the large things of food but I was not about to run and grab him from his demise.  Then yesterday I'm playing Words with Friends while doing stairs down at the bluffs and the guy in this pic lands on my hand.  So weird, I don't think I've even seen a ladybug in years, yet alone have two land on me in a matter of 3 days.  I need to buy a lotto ticket.

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