Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Snowbird 2012 Final Post

Our final day at Snowbird was going to be a 2 hour snowmobile trip into the backwoods of the Wasatch forest.  We did this same tour 3 years ago but there is nothing quite like being on a snowmobile, it does not get boring.  I find it very similar to a sea-doo or jet ski except for these really gun it when you full throttle them.  Much different in that aspect

Small creek that runs by the Snowbird Center

Getting ready to snowmobile

Our guide took us about 15 miles into the backwoods to a huge open area where we could do pretty much what we wanted for some time.  Then we went down another few miles to another area.  It was fun as shit going full throttle through small roads and weaving through trees.  We forgot to ask but the speedometer looked as if it was kilometers/hr and not miles/hr because on average we were going 40 to 50 which roughly translates to about 20 to 30 mph.  These things really kick ass


In the middle of nowhere

Getting ready to take off
Cool trees

At our second stopping location I cruise up to my dad who's just sitting on his rig  not moving, ends up he hit such a deep pocket of powder that he was completely stuck.  It took all 3 of us about 10 minutes to get him out of the couple feet of powder.  Glad it wasn't me that got stuck!

Super stuck

Freestyle area

In the end it was a great trip, you cant beat waking up every day snowboarding, then beers in the jacuzzi, a steak dinner, movie, then repeat for 4 days straight.  It was difficult to come home.

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