Saturday, March 17, 2012

St. Patricks Day

This year was the first year I could remember that St. Patrick's day fell on a Saturday and I was so excited.  Not so excited when my boss asked (or begged me) to work that day because of a new project we are implementing.  I did not have much of a choice and came the agreement with him that I could come in at 6 and leave at noon.  Not a bad gig since all I really did was sit in an empty office while I watched a movie and caught up on Shameless.  I thought I would be missing out on all the morning festivities the guys had planned but by the time I got home and ready no one was even out yet!  It was perfect.  We started out at Baddeley's around the corner from my place and I got my first ever Irish Car Bomb which wasnt too bad actually.  I thought they would be horrible because I do not really like Guinness.  Ended up being a short night and I think I was in bed by 9 but still a real fun day

Time to start the party
First Irish Car Bomb (can you believe it?)

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