Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Buffalo Wild Wings

Buffalo Wild Wings finally came to LB. To promote the opening they had a promotion where the first 100 people get free wings for a year. Sounds like something right up my alley. Unfortunately the key friends that would participate in this with me were all out of town so I was stuck on a solo mission that I could not resist. I got there at 7AM thinking no one would be there (they opened at 11) and to my shock there were people camping all the way around the building. I instantly thought I was screwed until I saw my neighbor at the near front of the line. I did not have a plan to cut in line because I would piss off everyone behind him until I found out that they were not assigning the first 100 people by location in line, they were doing it by randomly giving out stamps every hour on the hour for the past 24 hours. He had an extra set of stamps because his friend was there until shortly and had to leave unexpectedly, so I got super lucky. Without that I would have gone home empty handed since with his help I was number 81 out of 100. 

Way worth the wait, even though I was only in line for about 4hrs.  Now I can go in once a week for 6 free wings for the next 52 weeks.  Sweet.

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