Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Bringing in 2013.... Vegas!

New Years crept very quickly and every one in LB had absolutely nothing to do.  Adam and I solved that problem very quickly by booking 3 nights in Vegas!  Shit was it a blast.  Left Sunday at 7AM and got into town about lunchtime so we had a full day.  New Years was nuts, so many people.  I ended up losing $$ on this trip but still had one of the best Vegas missions of all time.  Met tons of random people, had plenty of Vodka/Redbulls and got to play craps and poker non stop.  My luck was down and out the entire trip until the final night we decided to play a 1 table $70 buy in poker tournament.  I ended up taking it down so that boosted me up a bit, I was happy. 

One of the coolest shows I've ever seen

The first night we were there we actually got into a Skrillex show at Surrender in the Wynn for free!!!!  Out of any DJ I could possibly see live I have wanted to see him the most, I have never seen a live dubstep show and it absolutely rocked.  I must have jumped up and down for 4 hours straight, it was a good thing it was 25 degrees outside so it was easy to cool down!

outside Surrender....freezing!

Adam taking a hose call @ the Wynn lol

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