Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Tough Mudder

Ever since I heard of the Tough Mudder I have always wanted to enter it.  I've never entered any type of marathon and before I started Crossfit I had only ran about a mile total at one given time.  The past few months I have been preparing for this event.  I started running a few miles a day and about a month before the race I was doing 5-7 every other day.  Along with Crossfit this was the perfect one two punch I needed to conquer the Tough Mudder.

For those of you who do not know what the Tough Mudder is it's an endurance event in which (mostly insane) participants attempt a 10-12 mile military style obstacle course.  It was designed by the British Special Forces to test mental as well as physical strength and the obstacles are designed to play on common human fears such as fire, water, electricity, and heights.  On average 78% of entrants finish the race.  

My event was in Temecula on a bright 75 degree day, the sun was out and conditions were perfect.  The total ascend/descend was 1,700ft which was a major factor.  We pretty much scaled two giant mountains during the 11 mile event.  Each obstacle was tough in it's own way and the ones I feared beforehand ended up being not so bad.  Scaling two 12ft walls was cake and being electrocuted with 10,000 volts was not as bad as it sounds (although it was painful and you lose all ability to move).  The most challenging was the Arctic Enema.  You had to jump in to a dumpster of water filled with ice, submerge yourself, then come out on the other side.  There was about a foot of ice at the top of the bin, the water was so cold and it took me about 2 minutes to snap out of being almost frozen alive.  That part was miserable.   After multiple grueling obstacles crossing the finish line you were instantly crowned with the trademark Tough Mudder orange headband and handed an ice cold Dox Equis beer.  That was by far the best part.  In the end I cannot wait to sign up for my next event.  It was a blast.

I made it
The map of the course
Obstacle Course - website
The after party

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