Thursday, February 20, 2014

Snowbird 2014

Last year my dad and I were not able to go to Snowbird, and it really was a bummer.  Taking a year off our annual man vacation to made me look forward to Feb 2014 even more.  Considering we have had ZERO snow in our local mountains and the temperature has stayed on average 70 degrees the entire "winter" the only way to get powder is to go out of state.  Snowbird has the best snow and you cannot beat leaving Long Beach at 6:00AM and being on the slopes at noon.  No waste of a travel day.   

The first two days we got there it just dumped powder, over 24" in the first 48hrs.  Visibility was at a minimum which kind of sucked but it was a give and take with all the fresh snow we had to carve up.  Day 3 and 4 brought semi clear skies which was perfect, you could not have a better forecast.  I cannot wait to go again next year.

Larry the porcupine even showed up this year

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