Saturday, May 17, 2014

Tough Mudder #2, Camp Pendleton Mud Run, & ROC Races

I finished my 2nd Tough Mudder in Las Vegas, cannot wait to do the next one!

Luke and I completed the Camp Pendleton Mud Run as well a few weeks after.  It was a blast, the after party was better than any race I have ever been in.  Good food, great music, and tons of people were out to support everyone.  The actual race was a 10k and had some good obstacles and tons and tons of mud.  

Luke's buddy who works for the ROC Races was able to get us in for free to the Irvine and Del Mar race.  The ROC race is a 5k with obstacles similar to the show Wipeout.  It was more of a show than anything, people dress up in costumes and there is a lot of drinking after.  In the spirit of dressing up Luke and I went as strippers. Naturally.

Beer pong anyone?

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