Monday, October 27, 2014

Nick n Jess Wedding

Nick and Jess tied the knot in San Francisco and it was such a fun trip and wedding.  CFBH was in full effect.  The wedding was a 2 day event that started Friday morning as we flew out of LB to SF.  Of course the first thing we had to do when we got there was workout so we had Caitilin and Tami whip up a quick WOD at the W's gym.  After that the party started (and never ended until we flew home actually).


The wedding was at the Palace of Fine arts which I had never been to and is quite amazing.  After that we got shuttled back to the W for cocktails, then ended up at one of my favorite places.   Butter.  Best shitty dive bar I know of in San Fran.  

Day 2 we had the entire day to do whatever we wanted.  A huge group of us started off at Buena Vista Cafe and had a couple of their famous Irish coffee's.  Whoa, those will get ya buzzed and jittery at the same time.  Real good though.  I was dubbed honorary lesbian as we headed to the Castro district since I was the only dude out of the pack.  Ha.  

Found a great bottomless mimosa spot and threw anchor for a few hours before the actual wedding party started that night back at the W.  The actual wedding party was nuts.  Great food, great music, great location, we danced all night long.  They even had a red carpet entrance.  Quite the gala event

Yes, I dance

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