Tuesday, May 1, 2012

San Francisco

Decided to make a trip up north to see my favorite comedian Jim Gaffigan perform at the Warfield theater.  It was a great time because the show happened to fall on Randall's birthday so we made it a two birds with one stone trip.  
The first day I got to see Alcatraz which was pretty neat, the last time I went I was 13 so I don't remember much.  It was surprisingly warm in San Fran this weekend and it was also surprising that beers were only $5 on the ferry to Alcatraz.  That was a shock due to the fact that it was $40 to park at the hotel downtown.  

the 24hr manned tower
cool view of the city through an abandoned building


one of the burned down buildings

Second day we biked from the hotel to the other side of the Golden Gate bridge.  On a map it was only 8 miles which is not much since I normally bike around 50 miles a week but that bay wind and the insane hills they have near downtown made this ride a memorable one.  Also for some reason Asian people on the bridge love to randomly walk into the bike lane and have no idea in general where they are going half the time.  That made the ride across the bridge pretty intense.  Normally the west side of the bridge is dedicated strictly to bikes but it was under repair, so the east side was a shared bike and pedestrian zone.  Gaffigan was great, just as good as on DVD so it was worth the trip up there.  After the show we went back to our favorite bar called Butter.  Butter was like the Shannons of San Francisco, really crowded, good music, cheap drinks, etc.  The only addition which I liked was the fact they served food....and not any food, it was all awesome bar food like White Castle burgers, Kraft mac n cheese, Spaghetti-O's, cheesey tater tots.  It was a great spot

our destination via bikes
A freeway on ramp was getting torn down which had me mesmerized as they jack hammered through concrete
after the jackhammer they brought out mega-claw, this thing was crazy!!
mega-claw is badass just chewing through concrete!
...and finally it falls
view of our bike trail from the hill up to the bridge
Randall loved the Spaghetti-O's

Could not help but notice on the way home an old school Taco Bell sign.  Was a flashback, so I had to take a picture.  It was good to get home, I could never live in a city like that.  I think it was almost more congested and crazy than L.A.  People have NO idea how to drive up there and it's so crowded it would drive me nuts.  I would love the fact that I could ride my bike everywhere but with all the idiot drivers it's probably not worth risking your life.

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