Saturday, March 1, 2014

Sin City Civil War

Over the weekend I participated in my first Crossfit event, the Sin City Civil War.  Anyone could sign up and there were plenty of people from all over that participated.  There were 3 WOD's total and each was partner based.  One was 4 min on/off and the other two were tag team so you could trade off at anytime between the two of you.  Nick and I have been prepping for the event for the past two weeks since they released the WOD's online.  Some of the movements were pretty tough and the weight was a lot more than what I have ever tried so I knew it was going to be super arduous.  For example I'm pretty comfortable with push pressing 95lbs, the weight for this event was 135.  Cleaning 135 is not too bad yet you had to hang clean 135, then squat clean 135 twice, then front squat 135 three times, all without dropping the bar or you were taxed with a 3 burpee penalty.  

One of these workouts by itself would be something we would do at the box in a single day, so having 3 over the course of 8 hours was pretty intense.  Here is what we had to tackle:

Bayonet - 8 min as many reps as possible @ 135lbs
1 hang power clean, 2 hang squat cleans, 3 front squats

Dragon Saber - 10 min as many reps as possible @ 95lbs. 
Push Press & Pull-Ups. 21-15-9

Grappling Hook - 3 min per station followed by a 1 min rest
Burpee box jumps @ 24", Thrusters @ 135lbs, kettle bell swings @ 70lbs, Wall Balls @ 20lbs 10' target

Having this be my first competition ever I had no idea how much fun it would be.  It was truly an all day event and it was so much fun getting out there and competing.  Cannot wait until the next one.

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