Monday, September 29, 2014

Project Mayhem

Had the pleasure to participate in Cave Crossfit's Project Mayhem over the weekend.  It was a team based competition consisting of 8 workouts on top of a parking structure in Hollywood with 18 6-man teams.  I was lucky enough to have Ross and Javan from CFBH on my team along with 3 other killer guys.  We were up against huge competition, some of the other dudes were seasoned crossfitters not to mention really fit and could lift a shit ton of weight.  

The event was sponsored by KillCliff, Hooters, and Lululemon.  So we got all sorts of free stuff, food was provided by hula hooping Hooters girls, and just for entering Lululemon gave us a free pair of workout shorts.  All I know is I would never pay $70 for Lululemon workout shorts but since they were included in the registration fee it worked out.  I narrowly escaped a tragic incident when the changing tent they supplied to change into your fresh Lululemon shorts caught a huge gust of wind, went up and over me falling 5 floors right on top of a few parked cars.  When this happened (in slow motion by the way) my pants were to the ground and I was lucky enough to grab the Lululemon's just in time and hold them up above my nakedness.  In broad daylight.  In front of about 100 people.  The tent ended up breaking a cars windshield and I slowly step by step went into the tent next to me where Ross was changing.  Could have been way worse!!!

The event consisted of the following tasks:
  • Max bench press, overhead squat, clean
  • Big Bob - push a 1,200 pound sled 25 meters and perform 60 pull ups, 40 chest to bar, & 20 bar muscle ups
  • Sandbag Relay - run the length of the parking structure starting off with 60# and adding 20# each time you tag a partner
  • Deadlift Sprint Ladder - 25m sprint, deadlift, 25m sprint.  #185 - $405
  • Overhead Walking Lunges - 50m 60# up to 160#
  • 30 Calorie row, 30 GHD sit-ups (my abs are still on fire!), 30 dumbbell snatches
  • The Worm - 25m worm carry, 30 sync squats w/worm, 30 burpees.  20 then 10
  • KB Swings & Box Jumps

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