Tuesday, December 9, 2014

CFBH Almost Winter Classic

Crossfit Belmont Heights had their very first in-house competition called the Almost Winter Classic.  There were 5 different workouts and you were ranked in each of them, then your grand total was added to give a final score.  I ended up taking 3rd in my division and was super excited.  I did not think I would make the podium.  Ross cleaned up shop taking 1st, and 2nd was Taja.  

The workouts consisted of:
  • 1 rep max clean n jerk
  • "Grace" - 30 clean n jerks @135lbs (4 min cap)
  • "Lucy" - 150 calorie row 
  • 18-15-12-9-6-3 Burpees to target and Toes to bar (this one was horrible)
  • 1-2...9-10 double dumbbell snatch @ 35lbs each

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